START sys/kern/sosplice/scapy 2024-06-25T11:41:58Z Splice.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xa600000, needed 0xaa00000) *** Warning in /usr/src/regress/sys/kern/sosplice/scapy: "perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -e ' eval { require BSD::Socket::Splice } or print $@; eval { require Socket6 } or print $@; '" returned non-zero status (Makefile:34) Splice.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got first handshake key 0xa600000, needed 0xaa00000) *** Warning: "perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -e ' eval { require BSD::Socket::Splice } or print $@; eval { require Socket6 } or print $@; '" returned non-zero status (../ pf status: Enabled pf anchor: This regress cannot run with pf filtering packets on localhost. Either disable pf or add a line anchor "regress" to pf.conf. There the test will add a stateless rule that passes all packets. SKIPPED SKIP sys/kern/sosplice/scapy Test skipped itself