START security/p5-CryptX 2024-07-05T08:17:52Z ===> p5-CryptX-0.080 depends on: p5-JSON-* -> p5-JSON-4.10 ===> Regression tests for p5-CryptX-0.080 "/usr/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- blib/arch/auto/CryptX/ 644 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing CryptX 0.080, Perl 5.038002 openbsd /usr/bin/perl # osname = openbsd # osvers = 7.5 # archname = i386-openbsd # uname = uname # myarchname = i386-openbsd # myuname = openbsd # gccversion = OpenBSD Clang 16.0.6 # ccversion = # cc = cc # intsize = 4 # longsize = 4 # longlongsize = 8 # ptrsize = 4 # byteorder = 1234 # # LibTomCrypt 1.18.2-develop ( # LibTomCrypt is public domain software. # # # Endianness: little (32-bit words) # Clean stack: disabled # # Ciphers built-in: # Blowfish # RC2 # RC5 # RC6 # Safer+ # Safer # Rijndael # XTEA # Twofish (tables) # DES # CAST5 # Noekeon # Skipjack # Khazad # Anubis (tweaked) # KSEED # KASUMI # MULTI2 # Camellia # IDEA # Serpent # TEA # Stream ciphers built-in: # ChaCha # Salsa20 # XSalsa20 # Sosemanuk # Rabbit # RC4 # SOBER128 # # Hashes built-in: # SHA3 # KECCAK # SHA-512 # SHA-384 # SHA-512/256 # SHA-256 # SHA-512/224 # SHA-224 # TIGER # SHA1 # MD5 # MD4 # MD2 # RIPEMD128 # RIPEMD160 # RIPEMD256 # RIPEMD320 # WHIRLPOOL # BLAKE2S # BLAKE2B # CHC_HASH # # Block Chaining Modes: # CFB # OFB # ECB # CBC # CTR # LRW (tables) # F8 # XTS # # MACs: # HMAC # OMAC # PMAC # PELICAN # XCBC # F9 # POLY1305 # BLAKE2S MAC # BLAKE2B MAC # # ENC + AUTH modes: # EAX # OCB # OCB3 # CCM # GCM (tables) # CHACHA20POLY1305 # # PRNG: # Yarrow (LTC_YARROW_AES=2) # SPRNG # RC4 # ChaCha20 # Fortuna (LTC_FORTUNA_POOLS=32, LTC_FORTUNA_RESEED_RATELIMIT_STATIC, LTC_FORTUNA_WD=10) # SOBER128 # # PK Crypto: # RSA (with blinding and CRT hardening) # DH # ECC (with blinding) # DSA # Ed25519 # X25519 # LTC_PK_MAX_RETRIES=20 # # MPI (Math): # LTC_MPI # LTM_DESC # LTC_MILLER_RABIN_REPS=40 # # Compiler: # Clang compiler 16.0.6 . # # Various others: ARGTYPE=4 ADLER32 BASE64 BASE64-URL-SAFE BASE32 BASE16 BCRYPT LTC_BCRYPT_DEFAULT_ROUNDS=10 CRC32 DER LTC_DER_MAX_RECURSION=30 PKCS#1 PKCS#5 PKCS#8 PKCS#12 PADDING HKDF PBES1 PBES2 SSH LTC_DEVRANDOM LTC_TRY_URANDOM_FIRST LTC_RNG_GET_BYTES LTC_RNG_MAKE_PRNG LTC_HASH_HELPERS LTC_FILE_READ_BUFSIZE=8192 LTC_FAST LTC_ROx_BUILTIN LTC_NO_TEST LTC_ECC_SHAMIR # # MP_PROVIDER = LibTomMath # MP_DIGIT_BIT = 28 # t/001_compile.t ..................... ok t/002_all_pm.t ...................... skipped: set AUTHOR_MODE to enable this test (developer only!) t/003_all_pm_pod.t .................. skipped: set AUTHOR_MODE to enable this test (developer only!) t/004_all_pm_pod_spelling.t ......... skipped: set AUTHOR_MODE to enable this test (developer only!) t/005_all_pm_pod_coverage.t ......... skipped: set AUTHOR_MODE to enable this test (developer only!) t/auth_enc_ccm.t .................... ok t/auth_enc_ccm_test_vector_ltc.t .... ok t/auth_enc_chacha20poly1305.t ....... ok t/auth_enc_eax.t .................... ok t/auth_enc_eax_test_vector_ltc.t .... ok t/auth_enc_gcm.t .................... ok t/auth_enc_gcm_test_vector_ltc.t .... ok t/auth_enc_ocb.t .................... ok t/auth_enc_ocb_test_vectors_ietf.t .. ok t/checksum.t ........................ ok t/cipher_aes.t ...................... ok t/cipher_aes_test_vectors_bc.t ...... ok t/cipher_anubis.t ................... ok t/cipher_blowfish.t ................. ok t/cipher_camellia.t ................. ok t/cipher_cast5.t .................... ok t/cipher_des.t ...................... ok t/cipher_des_ede.t .................. ok t/cipher_idea.t ..................... ok t/cipher_idea_compat.t .............. ok t/cipher_kasumi.t ................... ok t/cipher_khazad.t ................... ok t/cipher_multi2.t ................... ok t/cipher_multi2_rounds.t ............ ok t/cipher_noekeon.t .................. ok t/cipher_rc2.t ...................... ok t/cipher_rc5.t ...................... ok t/cipher_rc6.t ...................... ok t/cipher_safer_k128.t ............... ok t/cipher_safer_k64.t ................ ok t/cipher_safer_sk128.t .............. ok t/cipher_safer_sk64.t ............... ok t/cipher_saferp.t ................... ok t/cipher_seed.t ..................... ok t/cipher_seed_test_vectors_bc.t ..... ok t/cipher_serpent.t .................. ok t/cipher_serpent_compat.t ........... ok t/cipher_skipjack.t ................. ok t/cipher_stream.t ................... ok t/cipher_stream_rabbit.t ............ ok t/cipher_stream_salsa20.t ........... ok t/cipher_test_vectors_ltc.t ......... ok t/cipher_test_vectors_openssl.t ..... ok t/cipher_twofish.t .................. ok t/cipher_twofish_test_vectors_bc.t .. ok t/cipher_xtea.t ..................... ok t/cipher_xtea_test_vectors_bc.t ..... ok t/crypt-misc.t ...................... ok t/digest_blake2b_160.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2b_256.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2b_384.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2b_512.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2s_128.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2s_160.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2s_224.t .............. ok t/digest_blake2s_256.t .............. ok t/digest_chaes.t .................... ok t/digest_keccak224.t ................ ok t/digest_keccak256.t ................ ok t/digest_keccak384.t ................ ok t/digest_keccak512.t ................ ok t/digest_md2.t ...................... ok t/digest_md4.t ...................... ok t/digest_md5.t ...................... ok t/digest_ripemd128.t ................ ok t/digest_ripemd160.t ................ ok t/digest_ripemd256.t ................ ok t/digest_ripemd320.t ................ ok t/digest_sha1.t ..................... ok t/digest_sha224.t ................... ok t/digest_sha256.t ................... ok t/digest_sha384.t ................... ok t/digest_sha3_224.t ................. ok t/digest_sha3_256.t ................. ok t/digest_sha3_384.t ................. ok t/digest_sha3_512.t ................. ok t/digest_sha512.t ................... ok t/digest_sha512_224.t ............... ok t/digest_sha512_256.t ............... ok t/digest_shake.t .................... ok t/digest_test_vectors_ltc.t ......... ok t/digest_tiger192.t ................. ok t/digest_whirlpool.t ................ ok t/jwk.t ............................. ok t/key_derivation.t .................. ok t/mac_blake2b.t ..................... ok t/mac_blake2s.t ..................... ok t/mac_f9.t .......................... ok t/mac_hmac.t ........................ ok t/mac_hmac_nist.t ................... ok t/mac_hmac_test_vectors_ltc.t ....... ok t/mac_omac.t ........................ ok t/mac_omac_test_vectors_ltc.t ....... ok t/mac_pelican.t ..................... ok t/mac_pmac.t ........................ ok t/mac_pmac_test_vectors_ltc.t ....... ok t/mac_poly1305.t .................... ok t/mac_xcbc.t ........................ ok # Math::BigInt VERSION=1.999837 t/mbi_ltm_01load.t .................. ok t/mbi_ltm_bigfltpm.t ................ ok t/mbi_ltm_bigintg.t ................. ok t/mbi_ltm_bigintpm.t ................ ok t/mbi_ltm_biglog.t .................. ok t/mbi_ltm_bigroot.t ................. ok t/mbi_ltm_bugs.t .................... ok t/mbi_ltm_mbi-from-big-scalar.t ..... skipped: missing 64bit int support t/mbi_ltm_since_1.999837.t .......... ok t/mbi_ltm_since_1.999842.t .......... skipped: requires Math::BigInt 1.999842+ t/mbi_ltm_storable.t ................ ok t/mode_cbc.t ........................ ok t/mode_cfb.t ........................ ok t/mode_ctr.t ........................ ok t/mode_ecb.t ........................ ok t/mode_ofb.t ........................ ok t/pk_dh.t ........................... ok t/pk_dsa.t .......................... Failed 12/62 subtests t/pk_dsa_test_vectors_openssl.t ..... ok t/pk_ecc.t .......................... ok t/pk_ecc_test_vectors_openssl.t ..... ok t/pk_ed25519.t ...................... ok t/pk_enc_pem.t ...................... ok t/pk_rsa.t .......................... Failed 22/52 subtests t/pk_rsa_test_vectors_openssl.t ..... Failed 243/246 subtests t/pk_x25519.t ....................... ok t/pkcs8.t ........................... ok t/prng.t ............................ ok t/prng_chacha20.t ................... ok t/prng_fortuna.t .................... ok t/prng_rc4.t ........................ ok t/prng_sober128.t ................... ok t/prng_yarrow.t ..................... ok t/sshkey.t .......................... ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/pk_dsa.t (Wstat: 133 (Signal: TRAP, dumped core) Tests: 50 Failed: 0) Non-zero wait status: 133 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 62 tests but ran 50. t/pk_rsa.t (Wstat: 133 (Signal: TRAP, dumped core) Tests: 30 Failed: 0) Non-zero wait status: 133 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 52 tests but ran 30. t/pk_rsa_test_vectors_openssl.t (Wstat: 133 (Signal: TRAP, dumped core) Tests: 3 Failed: 0) Non-zero wait status: 133 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 246 tests but ran 3. Files=137, Tests=24383, 46 wallclock secs ( 3.04 usr 0.88 sys + 35.66 cusr 7.85 csys = 47.43 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 3/137 test programs. 0/24383 subtests failed. *** Error 255 in /usr/ports/pobj/p5-CryptX-0.080/CryptX-0.080 (Makefile:1775 'test_dynamic') *** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ '/usr/ports/pobj/p5-CryptX-0.080/.test_done': @cd /usr/ports/pobj/p5-CryptX-...) *** Error 2 in /usr/ports/security/p5-CryptX (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ 'test': @lock=p5-CryptX-0.080; export _LOCKS_HE...) FAIL security/p5-CryptX Command 'make test' failed: 512