START	devel/p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained	2024-06-15T10:49:03Z

===> p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3p0 depends on: p5-Moose-* -> p5-Moose-2.2206
===> p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3p0 depends on: p5-Try-Tiny-* -> p5-Try-Tiny-0.31
===>  Regression tests for p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3p0
Implicit use of the Chained trait is deprecated. Please load MooseX::Attribute::Chained explicitly at /usr/ports/pobj/p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3/MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3/blib/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/ line 16.
t/00-compile.t ................ ok
# Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
# === Configure Requires ===
#     Module        Want   Have
#     ------------- ---- ------
#     Module::Build 0.28 0.4234
# === Build Requires ===
#     Module        Want   Have
#     ------------- ---- ------
#     Module::Build 0.28 0.4234
# === Test Requires ===
#     Module              Want     Have
#     ------------------- ---- --------
#     ExtUtils::MakeMaker  any     7.70
#     File::Spec           any     3.88
#     IO::Handle           any     1.52
#     IPC::Open3           any     1.22
#     Test::More          0.88 1.302194
# === Test Recommends ===
#     Module         Want     Have
#     ---------- -------- --------
#     CPAN::Meta 2.120900 2.150010
# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module     Want     Have
#     ---------- ---- --------
#     Moose       any   2.2206
#     Test::More 0.88 1.302194
#     Try::Tiny   any     0.31
t/00-report-prereqs.t ......... ok
t/author-no_warning_on_use.t .. skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/author-pod-coverage.t ....... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/author-pod-syntax.t ......... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author
t/chained.t ................... ok
Implicit use of the Chained trait is deprecated. Please load MooseX::Attribute::Chained explicitly at /usr/ports/pobj/p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3/MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3/blib/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/ line 16.
t/chained_deprecated.t ........ ok
t/clone.t ..................... ok
t/release-cpan-changes.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-has-version.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
t/release-minimum-version.t ... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing
All tests successful.
Files=11, Tests=31,  8 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.19 sys +  5.72 cusr  1.90 csys =  7.87 CPU)
Result: PASS

PASS	devel/p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained	Duration 0m13.30s