START misc/open62541 2024-06-05T07:21:25Z ===> Regression tests for open62541-1.3.8p0 UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/DartConfiguration.tcl UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/DartConfiguration.tcl Test project /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386 Constructing a list of tests Done constructing a list of tests Updating test list for fixtures Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements Checking test dependency graph... Checking test dependency graph end test 1 Start 1: types_builtin 1: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_types_builtin 1: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 1: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 1: Running suite(s): Built-in Data Types 62541-6 Table 1 1: 100%: Checks: 61, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 1/42 Test #1: types_builtin ..................... Passed 0.14 sec test 2 Start 2: types_memory 2: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_types_memory 2: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 2: Running suite(s): testMemoryHandling 2: 100%: Checks: 945, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 2/42 Test #2: types_memory ...................... Passed 4.44 sec test 3 Start 3: types_range 3: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_types_range 3: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 3: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 3: Running suite(s): Test Variant Range Access 3: 100%: Checks: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 3/42 Test #3: types_range ....................... Passed 0.01 sec test 4 Start 4: types_parse 4: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_types_parse 4: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 4: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 4: Running suite(s): Test Builtin Type Parsing 4: 100%: Checks: 14, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 4/42 Test #4: types_parse ....................... Passed 0.03 sec test 5 Start 5: types_custom 5: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_types_custom 5: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 5: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 5: Running suite(s): Test Custom DataType Encoding 5: 100%: Checks: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 5/42 Test #5: types_custom ...................... Passed 0.02 sec test 6 Start 6: chunking 6: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_chunking 6: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 6: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 6: Running suite(s): Chunked encoding 6: 100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 6/42 Test #6: chunking .......................... Passed 0.01 sec test 7 Start 7: utils 7: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_utils 7: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 7: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 7: Running suite(s): Utils 7: 100%: Checks: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 7/42 Test #7: utils ............................. Passed 0.03 sec test 8 Start 8: securechannel 8: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_securechannel 8: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 8: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 8: Running suite(s): SecureChannel 8: 100%: Checks: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 8/42 Test #8: securechannel ..................... Passed 0.15 sec test 9 Start 9: timer 9: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_timer 9: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 9: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 9: Running suite(s): Test Event Timer 9: duration was 0.380000 s 9: 559166 callbacks 9: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 9/42 Test #9: timer ............................. Passed 0.50 sec test 10 Start 10: accesscontrol 10: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_accesscontrol 10: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 10: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 10: Running suite(s): Client 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 10: 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel 10: Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting UserTokenPolicy 0 (anonymous) in endpoint 0: configuration doesn't match 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-username-policy with UserTokenType UserName and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting UserTokenPolicy 0 (anonymous) in endpoint 0: configuration doesn't match 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-username-policy with UserTokenType UserName and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: The AccessControl plugin denied the activation with the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] error/client ActivateSession failed with error code BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: ActivateRequested, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting UserTokenPolicy 0 (anonymous) in endpoint 0: configuration doesn't match 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-username-policy with UserTokenType UserName and SecurityPolicy 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: The AccessControl plugin denied the activation with the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] error/client ActivateSession failed with error code BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: ActivateRequested, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 10: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 10: 100%: Checks: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 10/42 Test #10: accesscontrol ..................... Passed 0.08 sec test 11 Start 11: services_view 11: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_services_view 11: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 11: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 11: Running suite(s): Service_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50510): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50510): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel 11: Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 11: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 11: 100%: Checks: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 11/42 Test #11: services_view ..................... Passed 0.06 sec test 12 Start 12: services_attributes 12: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_services_attributes 12: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 12: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 12: Running suite(s): services_attributes_read 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:40.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadTypeMismatch 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | No ArrayDimensions can be defined for a ValueRank <= 0 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadTypeMismatch 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadNodeClassInvalid 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 12: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 12: 100%: Checks: 53, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 12/42 Test #12: services_attributes ............... Passed 0.34 sec test 13 Start 13: services_nodemanagement 13: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_services_nodemanagement 13: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 13: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 13: Running suite(s): services_nodemanagement 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50216): The array dimensions are incompatible with the array dimensions of the VariableType 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50216): Type-checking failed with error code BadTypeMismatch 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Writing the value of Node i=50216 failed with the following reason: ArrayDimensions of the value are incompatible 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | WriteRequest returned status code BadTypeMismatch 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50216): The default content of the VariableType could not be used. This may happen if the VariableNode makes additional restrictions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (i=50216): The value is empty. But this is only allowed for BaseDataType. Create a matching default value. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode: Node could not add the new node to the nodestore with error code BadNodeIdExists 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 13: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 13: 100%: Checks: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 13/42 Test #13: services_nodemanagement ........... Passed 0.10 sec test 14 Start 14: server_callbacks 14: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_callbacks 14: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 14: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 14: Running suite(s): Immutable Nodes 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/userland The variable was updated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadUserAccessDenied 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadUserAccessDenied 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client 14: Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel 14: Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 14: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 14: 100%: Checks: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 14/42 Test #14: server_callbacks .................. Passed 0.05 sec test 15 Start 15: server_password 15: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_password 15: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 15: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 15: Running suite(s): Password 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting UserTokenPolicy 0 (anonymous) in endpoint 0: configuration doesn't match 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-username-policy with UserTokenType UserName and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting UserTokenPolicy 0 (anonymous) in endpoint 0: configuration doesn't match 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-username-policy with UserTokenType UserName and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: The AccessControl plugin denied the activation with the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadUserAccessDenied 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] error/client ActivateSession failed with error code BadUserAccessDenied 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: ActivateRequested, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadUserAccessDenied 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: The AccessControl plugin denied the activation with the StatusCode BadIdentityTokenInvalid 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadIdentityTokenInvalid 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] error/client ActivateSession failed with error code BadIdentityTokenInvalid 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: ActivateRequested, ConnectStatus: BadIdentityTokenInvalid 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadIdentityTokenInvalid 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 15: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 15: 100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 15/42 Test #15: server_password ................... Passed 0.09 sec test 16 Start 16: services_call 16: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_services_call 16: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 16: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 16: Running suite(s): services_call 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | Only Variables with data type BaseDataType can contain an empty value 16: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | Only Variables with data type BaseDataType can contain an empty value 16: 100%: Checks: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 16/42 Test #16: services_call ..................... Passed 0.07 sec test 17 Start 17: services_subscriptions 17: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_services_subscriptions 17: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 17: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 17: Running suite(s): Server Subscription 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: -1.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.000000ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 3) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.000000ms, Queue Size: 2) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.000000ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.000000ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 100.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.394 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.798 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | End of subscription lifetime 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.798 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] warn/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | End of subscription lifetime 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription deleted 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 2 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 1.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 17: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.101 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 17: 100%: Checks: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 17/42 Test #17: services_subscriptions ............ Passed 0.21 sec test 18 Start 18: monitoreditem_filter 18: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_monitoreditem_filter 18: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 18: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 18: Running suite(s): Server monitored item filter 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session[1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client 18: Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.492 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadFilterNotAllowed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.498 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:02:50.300 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.000000ms, Queue Size: 0) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:04.122 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:08.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.000000ms, Queue Size: 0) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscriptionSecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:11.928 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadFilterNotAllowed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session[1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client 18: Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:12.529 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscriptionSecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:20.332 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.143 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadDeadbandFilterInvalid 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionThe ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 18: [1601-01-01 00:03:28.744 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 18: 100%: Checks: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 18/42 Test #18: monitoreditem_filter .............. Passed 3.62 sec test 19 Start 19: subscription_events 19: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_subscription_events 19: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 19: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 19: Running suite(s): Server Subscription Events 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadEventFilterInvalid 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.690 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 6 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 6 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 7 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 7 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 8 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 8 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 19: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 19: 100%: Checks: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 19/42 Test #19: subscription_events ............... Passed 0.33 sec test 20 Start 20: check_subscription_event_filter 20: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_subscription_event_filter 20: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 20: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 20: Running suite(s): Server Subscription Event Filters 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadNodeIdUnknown 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadNodeIdUnknown 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadBrowseNameInvalid 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.090 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:37.690 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:38.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:39.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:41.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:42.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Could not create a MonitoredItem with StatusCode BadNodeIdInvalid 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:42.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:43.690 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:45.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:46.090 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 6 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:47.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 6 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:47.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 7 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.090 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 7 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.690 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 8 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:50.890 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 8 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:51.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 9 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:52.690 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 9 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:53.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 10 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:54.490 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 10 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 20: [1601-01-01 00:02:55.090 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 20: 100%: Checks: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 20/42 Test #20: check_subscription_event_filter ... Passed 0.88 sec test 21 Start 21: nodestore 21: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_nodestore 21: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 21: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 21: Running suite(s): UA_NodeStore 21: Time for single-threaded 10000 create/get/delete in a namespace: 0.010000s. 21: Time for single-threaded 10000 create/get/delete in a namespace: 0.010000s. 21: 100%: Checks: 20, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 21/42 Test #21: nodestore ......................... Passed 0.12 sec test 22 Start 22: session 22: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_session 22: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 22: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 22: Running suite(s): Session 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network 22: Connection 8 | Closed 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 22: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 22: 100%: Checks: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 22/42 Test #22: session ........................... Passed 0.15 sec test 23 Start 23: server 23: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server 23: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 23: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 23: Running suite(s): server 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 23: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 23: 100%: Checks: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 23/42 Test #23: server ............................ Passed 0.10 sec test 24 Start 24: server_jobs 24: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_jobs 24: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 24: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 24: Running suite(s): Server Callbacks 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.305 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 24: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.320 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 24: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 24/42 Test #24: server_jobs ....................... Passed 0.13 sec test 25 Start 25: server_userspace 25: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_userspace 25: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 25: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 25: Running suite(s): ServerUserspace 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp://localhost:10042/ 25: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 25: 100%: Checks: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 25/42 Test #25: server_userspace .................. Passed 0.03 sec test 26 Start 26: node_inheritance 26: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_node_inheritance 26: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 26: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 26: Running suite(s): Node inheritance 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 26: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 26: 100%: Checks: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 26/42 Test #26: node_inheritance .................. Passed 0.04 sec test 27 Start 27: local_monitored_item 27: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_local_monitored_item 27: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 27: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 27: Running suite(s): Local Monitored Item 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 27: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.490 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 27: 100%: Checks: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 27/42 Test #27: local_monitored_item .............. Passed 0.75 sec test 28 Start 28: server_readspeed 28: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_readspeed 28: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 28: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 28: Running suite(s): Service Speed 28: duration was 0.010000 s 28: retval is Good 28: duration with encoding was 0.010000 s 28: retval is Good 28: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 28/42 Test #28: server_readspeed .................. Passed 0.08 sec test 29 Start 29: server_speed_addnodes 29: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_speed_addnodes 29: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 29: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 29: Running suite(s): Service Speed 29: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 29: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 29: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 29: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 29: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 29: 0 nodes: Duration was 0.000000 s 29: 1000 nodes: Duration was 0.010000 s 29: 2000 nodes: Duration was 0.010000 s 29: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 29/42 Test #29: server_speed_addnodes ............. Passed 0.07 sec test 30 Start 30: server_monitoringspeed 30: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_server_monitoringspeed 30: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 30: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 30: Running suite(s): Monitoring Speed 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (ns=1;s=the.answer): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 50.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 30: duration was 0.000000 s 30: retval is Good 30: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 0 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 30: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 30/42 Test #30: server_monitoringspeed ............ Passed 0.02 sec test 31 Start 31: client 31: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_discovery 31: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 31: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 31: Running suite(s): Client 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL abc://xxx:4840 with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 1 | Session "" | Session created 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 1 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 1 | Session "" | Closing the Session 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 31: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 31: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 31/42 Test #31: client ............................ Passed 0.02 sec test 32 Start 32: client_securechannel 32: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_securechannel 32: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 32: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 32: Running suite(s): Client 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:10:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:10:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 32: 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel[1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client 32: Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:18:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel renewed with a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 32: 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:28:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel has timed out 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:38:35.291 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecurityToken timed out 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 0 | SecureChannel 0 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecureChannelClosed 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 9 | ClosedClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:48:35.292 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadSecureChannelIdInvalid 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/client FindServers failed with error code BadSecureChannelIdInvalid. Continue with the EndpointURL opc.tcp://localhost:4840. 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session attached to new channel 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Closing the Session 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:35.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadInternalError 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 32: [1601-01-01 00:58:40.293 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 32: 100%: Checks: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 32/42 Test #32: client_securechannel .............. Passed 0.27 sec test 33 Start 33: client_async 33: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_async 33: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 33: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 33: Running suite(s): Client 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 33: 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Error receiving the response with status code BadSecurityChecksFailed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecurityChecksFailed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 33: 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.411 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Error receiving the response with status code BadSecurityChecksFailed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecurityChecksFailed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:44.415 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session[1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/client 33: Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/channel 33: Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 33: [1601-01-01 00:02:49.425 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 33: 100%: Checks: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 33/42 Test #33: client_async ...................... Passed 0.10 sec test 34 Start 34: client_async_connect 34: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_async_connect 34: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 34: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 34: Running suite(s): Client 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 0 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadConnectionClosed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 34: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 34: 80%: Checks: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 0 34: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/open62541-1.3.8/tests/client/check_client_async_connect.c:94:F:Client Connect Async:Client_connect_async:0: Assertion 'asyncCounter == 10-7' failed: asyncCounter == 2, 10-7 == 3 34/42 Test #34: client_async_connect ..............***Failed 5.75 sec test 35 Start 35: client_subscriptions 35: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_subscriptions 35: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 35: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 35: Running suite(s): Client Subscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session Received a ServiceFault responseSecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.792 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-01-01 00:02:36.294 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecurityToken timed out 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Processing the message failed with error BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecurityToken timed out 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 0 | SecureChannel 0 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 0 | SecureChannel 0 | Could not receive with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/network Connection to opc.tcp://localhost:4840 failed with error: Connection refused 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Fresh, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: BadDisconnect 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: BadDisconnect 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Session has timed out 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:54.593 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Detaching the Subscription from the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSession: No Session activated to the SecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response with StatusCode BadSessionIdInvalid 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:55.595 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/network [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Connection 9 | ClosedReceived Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 0 | SecureChannel 0 | Could not receive with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session attached to new channel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.097 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:56.598 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:57.601 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.102 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 100.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 750.000000ms, Queue Size: 0)Received a ServiceFault response 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:58.603 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:57:59.605 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Modified the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 750.000000ms, Queue Size: 0) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionThe ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:01.908 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.409 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session Received a ServiceFault responseSecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:02.910 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:03.912 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 3 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 3 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.413 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 86400000.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:04.915 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.416 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:05.917 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] error/client Inactivity for Subscription 1. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Error receiving the response with status code BadSecurityChecksFailed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecurityChecksFailedSecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted[1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client 35: Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | Processing the message failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed. Closing the channel. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Processing the message failed with error BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.422 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelReceived Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/network [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Connection 9 | ClosedReceived Publish Response with code BadSecureChannelClosed 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadSecureChannelIdInvalid 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] warn/client FindServers failed with error code BadSecureChannelIdInvalid. Continue with the EndpointURL opc.tcp://localhost:4840. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session attached to new channel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:13.923 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Error receiving the response with status code BadSecurityChecksFailed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadSecurityChecksFailed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 9 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.424 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.925 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.925 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.925 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.925 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 2 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:14.925 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 2 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | Receiving the response failed with StatusCode BadConnectionClosed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:15.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 11 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 11 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 11 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 12 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 11 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 12 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Transferred to this Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.526 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.626 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.726 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.826 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:16.926 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.026 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.126 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.226 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.326 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the SessionReceived a ServiceFault response 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 2 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 3 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 4 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 5 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 12 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 0 | Session "Administrator" | AddNode (ns=1;s=the.answer): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.426 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 9 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 8 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 7 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 6 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.929 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.929 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadTooManyPublishRequests 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:17.929 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Too many publishrequest, reduce outStandingPublishRequests to 5 35: done 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/client Received Publish Response with code BadNoSubscription 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | New connection over TCP from 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription created (Publishing interval 500.00ms, max 1000 notifications per publish) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Created the MonitoredItem (Sampling Interval: 250.00ms, Queue Size: 1) 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Subscription 1 | Subscription deleted 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/server Subscription 1 | MonitoredItem 1 | Deleting the MonitoredItem 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 10 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 35: 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 10 | Closed 35: [1601-02-19 16:58:18.927 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 35: 94%: Checks: 18, Failures: 1, Errors: 0 35: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/open62541-1.3.8/tests/client/check_client_subscriptions.c:214:F:Client Subscription Basic:Client_subscription_async:0: Assertion 'response.responseHeader.serviceResult == 0x00000000' failed: response.responseHeader.serviceResult == 655909592, 0x00000000 == 0 35/42 Test #35: client_subscriptions ..............***Failed 16.02 sec test 36 Start 36: client_highlevel 36: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_highlevel 36: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 36: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 36: Running suite(s): Client Highlevel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client 36: Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: x509 certificate user authentication is enabled 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server Username/Password Authentication configured, but no encrypting SecurityPolicy. This can leak credentials on the network. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 0 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode None and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Session created 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | AddNode (i=50216): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | AddNode (i=50217): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | AddNode (i=50218): No TypeDefinition. Use the default TypeDefinition for the Variable/Object 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | The number of ArrayDimensions is not equal to the (positive) ValueRank 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadTypeMismatch 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadTypeMismatch 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | WriteRequest returned status code BadWriteNotSupported 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 2 | Session "" | Closing the Session 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 36: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 36: 100%: Checks: 28, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 36/42 Test #36: client_highlevel .................. Passed 0.09 sec test 37 Start 37: client_encryption 37: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_client_encryption 37: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 37: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 37: Running suite(s): Encryption 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 3: security policy doesn't match 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 4: security policy doesn't match 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 5 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | Session created 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 3 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Received a ServiceFault response 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client The ServiceResult has the StatusCode BadSecureChannelIdInvalid 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/client FindServers failed with error code BadSecureChannelIdInvalid. Continue with the EndpointURL opc.tcp://localhost:4840. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session attached to new channel 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 4 | Session "" | Closing the Session 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 37: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 37: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 37/42 Test #37: client_encryption ................. Passed 0.18 sec test 38 Start 38: encryption_basic128rsa15 38: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_encryption_basic128rsa15 38: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 38: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 38: Running suite(s): Encryption 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good[1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel 38: Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 1 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is created. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is created. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 1 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | ClosedClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is created. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is created. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | ClosedClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 38: 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 38: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 38: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 38/42 Test #38: encryption_basic128rsa15 .......... Passed 0.22 sec test 39 Start 39: encryption_basic256 39: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_encryption_basic256 39: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 39: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 39: Running suite(s): Encryption 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 39: 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 3 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 39: 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 3 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 39: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 39: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 39/42 Test #39: encryption_basic256 ............... Passed 0.22 sec test 40 Start 40: encryption_basic256sha256 40: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_encryption_basic256sha256 40: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 40: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 40: Running suite(s): Encryption 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 40: 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 3: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 4: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 5 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 40: 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: GoodConnection 9 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 40: 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 3: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 4: security policy doesn't match 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 5 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is created. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 40: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 40: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 40/42 Test #40: encryption_basic256sha256 ......... Passed 0.22 sec test 41 Start 41: encryption_aes128sha256rsaoaep 41: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_encryption_aes128sha256rsaoaep 41: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 41: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 41: Running suite(s): Encryption 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannelClient Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 3: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 4: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 5: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 6: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 7 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is created. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is created. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 9 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 9 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network TCP network layer listening on opc.tcp:// 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 1 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 1 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 2 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 2 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/userland AcceptAll Certificate Verification. Any remote certificate will be accepted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 3 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Use the EndpointURL opc.tcp:// returned from FindServers 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 3 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 4 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 0: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 1: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 2: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 3: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 4: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 5: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Rejecting endpoint 6: security policy doesn't match 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected endpoint 7 in URL opc.tcp:// with SecurityMode Sign and SecurityPolicy 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Selected UserTokenPolicy open62541-anonymous-policy with UserTokenType Anonymous and SecurityPolicy 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 4 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | New connection over TCP from 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is created. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is created. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 7 | SecureChannel 5 | SecureChannel opened with SecurityPolicy and a revised lifetime of 600.00s 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Session created 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Created, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | ActivateSession: Session activated 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Open, SessionState: Activated, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/session SecureChannel 5 | Session "" | Closing the Session 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Connection 8 | SecureChannel 5 | CloseSecureChannel 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/client Client Status: ChannelState: Closed, SessionState: Closed, ConnectStatus: Good 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Connection 8 | Closed 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/network Shutting down the TCP network layer 41: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy channel with openssl is deleted. 41: 100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 41/42 Test #41: encryption_aes128sha256rsaoaep .... Passed 0.22 sec test 42 Start 42: check_cert_generation 42: Test command: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/bin/tests/check_cert_generation 42: Working Directory: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/tests 42: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 42: Running suite(s): Create Certificate 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/channel Create Certificate: Generating RSA key. This may take a while. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Basic128Rsa15 security policy with openssl is added. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256 security policy with openssl is added. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The basic256sha256 security policy with openssl is added. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/securitypolicy The Aes128Sha256RsaOaep security policy with openssl is added. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] warn/server AccessControl: Unconfigured AccessControl. Users have all permissions. 42: [1601-01-01 00:02:35.290 (UTC+0000)] info/server AccessControl: Anonymous login is enabled 42: 100%: Checks: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0 42/42 Test #42: check_cert_generation ............. Passed 5.64 sec 95% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 42 Total Test time (real) = 41.82 sec The following tests FAILED: 34 - client_async_connect (Failed) 35 - client_subscriptions (Failed) Errors while running CTest Output from these tests are in: /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log Use "--rerun-failed --output-on-failure" to re-run the failed cases verbosely. *** Error 8 in . (/usr/ports/devel/cmake/ 'do-test': @cd /usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386 && exec /usr/bin/env -i ...) *** Error 2 in . (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ '/usr/ports/pobj/open62541-1.3.8/build-i386/.test_done': @cd /usr/ports/misc...) *** Error 2 in /usr/ports/misc/open62541 (/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/ 'test': @lock=open62541-1.3.8p0; export _LOCKS_HELD...) FAIL misc/open62541 Command 'make test' failed: 512