START databases/p5-DBI 2024-05-15T06:09:55Z ===> p5-DBI-1.643p0 depends on: p5-Test-Pod->=1.00 -> p5-Test-Pod-1.52p0 ===> p5-DBI-1.643p0 depends on: p5-PlRPC->=0.2017 -> p5-PlRPC-0.2020p0 ===> p5-DBI-1.643p0 depends on: p5-SQL-Statement->=1.400 -> p5-SQL-Statement-1.414 ===> p5-DBI-1.643p0 depends on: p5-MLDBM-* -> p5-MLDBM-2.05p0 ===> Regression tests for p5-DBI-1.643p0 "/usr/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- blib/arch/auto/DBI/ 644 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch" DBI test application $Revision$ Switch: DBI 1.643 by Tim Bunce, 1.643 Available Drivers: CSV, DBM, ExampleP, File, Gofer, MariaDB, Mem, Pg, Proxy, SQLite, SQLite2, Sponge, mysql dbi:ExampleP:: testing 3 sets of 20 connections: Connecting... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Disconnecting... Connecting... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Disconnecting... Connecting... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Disconnecting... connect 20 and disconnect them, 3 times: 0.0026s / 60 = 0.0000s Testing handle creation speed... 47619 NullP sth/s perl 5.036003 i386-openbsd (gcc OpenBSD -O2) 0.000021s done PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # --- Perl 5.036003 on i386-openbsd t/01basics.t .................... ok SV = IV(0x7e7072cc) at 0x7e7072d0 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (ROK,READONLY,PROTECT) RV = 0x7e6f2500 SV = PVHV(0x45e78e00) at 0x7e6f2500 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (OBJECT,SHAREKEYS) STASH = 0x7e6f58f0 "DBI::dr" ARRAY = 0x7e6f9740 (0:10, 1:4, 2:2) hash quality = 95.8% KEYS = 8 FILL = 6 MAX = 15 Elt "Errstr" HASH = 0x288200b2 SV = IV(0x5bd9b54c) at 0x5bd9b550 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (ROK) RV = 0x4a676430 SV = PV(0x77df0140) at 0x4a676430 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (POK,IsCOW,pPOK) PV = 0x7e6f49f0 ""\0 CUR = 0 LEN = 10 COW_REFCNT = 1 Elt "State" HASH = 0x79befa54 SV = IV(0x5bd6e94c) at 0x5bd6e950 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (ROK) RV = 0x4a676410 SV = NULL(0x0) at 0x4a676410 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = () Elt "Name" HASH = 0xcb479844 SV = PV(0x77df01c0) at 0x7e6f53e0 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (POK,IsCOW,pPOK) PV = 0x7e6efca0 "Test"\0 CUR = 4 LEN = 10 COW_REFCNT = 0 (in cleanup) dbih_getcom handle DBI::dr=HASH(0x7e6f2500) is not a DBI handle (has no magic) during global destruction. t/02dbidrv.t .................... ok t/03handle.t .................... ok t/04mods.t ...................... ok t/05concathash.t ................ ok t/06attrs.t ..................... ok t/07kids.t ...................... ok t/08keeperr.t ................... ok t/09trace.t ..................... ok t/10examp.t ..................... ok t/11fetch.t ..................... ok t/12quote.t ..................... ok t/13taint.t ..................... ok t/14utf8.t ...................... ok t/15array.t ..................... ok t/16destroy.t ................... ok t/17handle_error.t .............. ok t/19fhtrace.t ................... ok t/20meta.t ...................... ok t/30subclass.t .................. ok t/31methcache.t ................. ok t/35thrclone.t .................. skipped: this openbsd perl 5.036003 not supported for DBI iThreads t/40profile.t ................... ok t/41prof_dump.t ................. ok t/42prof_data.t ................. ok t/43prof_env.t .................. ok t/48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ......... ok t/49dbd_file.t .................. ok t/50dbm_simple.t ................ ok t/51dbm_file.t .................. ok t/52dbm_complex.t ............... ok t/53sqlengine_adv.t ............. ok t/54_dbd_mem.t .................. ok t/60preparse.t .................. ok t/65transact.t .................. ok t/70callbacks.t ................. ok t/72childhandles.t .............. ok t/73cachedkids.t ................ ok Wed May 15 08:10:21 2024 notice, Server starting t/80proxy.t ..................... ok t/85gofer.t ..................... ok t/86gofer_fail.t ................ ok t/87gofer_cache.t ............... ok t/90sql_type_cast.t ............. ok t/91_store_warning.t ............ ok t/pod-coverage.t ................ skipped: Currently a developer-only test t/pod.t ......................... ok # --- Perl 5.036003 on i386-openbsd t/zvg_01basics.t ................ ok SV = IV(0x5bf646ac) at 0x5bf646b0 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (ROK,READONLY,PROTECT) RV = 0x63f87d30 SV = PVHV(0x7d5abe00) at 0x63f87d30 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (OBJECT,SHAREKEYS) STASH = 0x49693930 "DBI::dr" ARRAY = 0x496987c0 (0:9, 1:6, 2:1) hash quality = 115.0% KEYS = 8 FILL = 7 MAX = 15 Elt "Name" HASH = 0x7d728121 SV = PV(0x4969f618) at 0x49693320 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (POK,IsCOW,pPOK) PV = 0x49682eb0 "Test"\0 CUR = 4 LEN = 10 COW_REFCNT = 0 Elt "ImplementorClass" HASH = 0x3a1b7925 SV = PV(0x6df5c6a8) at 0x6df41400 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (POK,IsCOW,pPOK) PV = 0x65a55000 "DBD::Test::OverLongxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"\0 CUR = 319 LEN = 321 COW_REFCNT = 0 Elt "State" HASH = 0x6e74276 SV = IV(0x4969341c) at 0x49693420 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = (ROK) RV = 0x6df41450 SV = NULL(0x0) at 0x6df41450 REFCNT = 1 FLAGS = () (in cleanup) dbih_getcom handle DBI::dr=HASH(0x63f87d30) is not a DBI handle (has no magic) during global destruction. t/zvg_02dbidrv.t ................ ok t/zvg_03handle.t ................ ok t/zvg_04mods.t .................. ok t/zvg_05concathash.t ............ ok t/zvg_06attrs.t ................. ok t/zvg_07kids.t .................. ok t/zvg_08keeperr.t ............... ok t/zvg_09trace.t ................. ok t/zvg_10examp.t ................. ok t/zvg_11fetch.t ................. ok t/zvg_12quote.t ................. ok t/zvg_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attribute tests not functional with DBI_AUTOPROXY t/zvg_14utf8.t .................. ok t/zvg_15array.t ................. ok t/zvg_16destroy.t ............... ok t/zvg_17handle_error.t .......... ok t/zvg_19fhtrace.t ............... ok t/zvg_20meta.t .................. ok t/zvg_30subclass.t .............. ok t/zvg_31methcache.t ............. ok t/zvg_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this openbsd perl 5.036003 not supported for DBI iThreads t/zvg_40profile.t ............... ok t/zvg_41prof_dump.t ............. ok t/zvg_42prof_data.t ............. ok t/zvg_43prof_env.t .............. ok t/zvg_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok t/zvg_49dbd_file.t .............. ok t/zvg_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok t/zvg_51dbm_file.t .............. ok t/zvg_52dbm_complex.t ........... ok t/zvg_53sqlengine_adv.t ......... skipped: Modifying driver state won't compute running behind Gofer t/zvg_54_dbd_mem.t .............. skipped: modifying meta data doesn't work with Gofer-AutoProxy t/zvg_60preparse.t .............. ok t/zvg_65transact.t .............. skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer t/zvg_70callbacks.t ............. ok t/zvg_72childhandles.t .......... ok t/zvg_73cachedkids.t ............ ok Wed May 15 08:11:00 2024 notice, Server starting t/zvg_80proxy.t ................. ok t/zvg_85gofer.t ................. ok t/zvg_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY t/zvg_87gofer_cache.t ........... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY t/zvg_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok t/zvg_91_store_warning.t ........ ok t/zvn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok t/zvn_49dbd_file.t .............. ok t/zvn_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok t/zvn_51dbm_file.t .............. ok t/zvn_52dbm_complex.t ........... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used t/zvn_85gofer.t ................. ok # --- Perl 5.036003 on i386-openbsd t/zvp_01basics.t ................ ok t/zvp_02dbidrv.t ................ ok t/zvp_03handle.t ................ ok t/zvp_04mods.t .................. ok t/zvp_05concathash.t ............ ok t/zvp_06attrs.t ................. ok t/zvp_07kids.t .................. skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_08keeperr.t ............... ok t/zvp_09trace.t ................. ok t/zvp_10examp.t ................. ok t/zvp_11fetch.t ................. ok t/zvp_12quote.t ................. ok t/zvp_13taint.t ................. skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_14utf8.t .................. ok t/zvp_15array.t ................. ok t/zvp_16destroy.t ............... ok t/zvp_17handle_error.t .......... ok t/zvp_19fhtrace.t ............... ok t/zvp_20meta.t .................. ok t/zvp_30subclass.t .............. ok t/zvp_31methcache.t ............. ok t/zvp_35thrclone.t .............. skipped: this openbsd perl 5.036003 not supported for DBI iThreads t/zvp_40profile.t ............... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_41prof_dump.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_42prof_data.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_43prof_env.t .............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ..... ok t/zvp_49dbd_file.t .............. ok t/zvp_50dbm_simple.t ............ ok t/zvp_51dbm_file.t .............. ok t/zvp_52dbm_complex.t ........... ok t/zvp_53sqlengine_adv.t ......... ok t/zvp_54_dbd_mem.t .............. ok t/zvp_60preparse.t .............. skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_65transact.t .............. ok t/zvp_70callbacks.t ............. skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_72childhandles.t .......... ok t/zvp_73cachedkids.t ............ ok t/zvp_80proxy.t ................. skipped: DBD::Proxy currently has a problem under DBI::PurePerl t/zvp_85gofer.t ................. ok t/zvp_86gofer_fail.t ............ skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl t/zvp_87gofer_cache.t ........... ok t/zvp_90sql_type_cast.t ......... ok t/zvp_91_store_warning.t ........ ok t/zvxgn_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok t/zvxgn_49dbd_file.t ............ ok t/zvxgn_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok t/zvxgn_51dbm_file.t ............ ok t/zvxgn_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used t/zvxgn_85gofer.t ............... ok t/zvxgnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t .. ok t/zvxgnp_49dbd_file.t ........... ok t/zvxgnp_50dbm_simple.t ......... ok t/zvxgnp_51dbm_file.t ........... ok t/zvxgnp_52dbm_complex.t ........ skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used t/zvxgnp_85gofer.t .............. ok # --- Perl 5.036003 on i386-openbsd t/zvxgp_01basics.t .............. ok t/zvxgp_02dbidrv.t .............. ok t/zvxgp_03handle.t .............. ok t/zvxgp_04mods.t ................ ok t/zvxgp_05concathash.t .......... ok t/zvxgp_06attrs.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_07kids.t ................ skipped: $h->{Kids} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_08keeperr.t ............. ok t/zvxgp_09trace.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_10examp.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_11fetch.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_12quote.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_13taint.t ............... skipped: Taint attributes not supported with DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_14utf8.t ................ ok t/zvxgp_15array.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_16destroy.t ............. ok t/zvxgp_17handle_error.t ........ ok t/zvxgp_19fhtrace.t ............. ok t/zvxgp_20meta.t ................ ok t/zvxgp_30subclass.t ............ ok t/zvxgp_31methcache.t ........... ok t/zvxgp_35thrclone.t ............ skipped: this openbsd perl 5.036003 not supported for DBI iThreads t/zvxgp_40profile.t ............. skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_41prof_dump.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_42prof_data.t ........... skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_43prof_env.t ............ skipped: profiling not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok t/zvxgp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok t/zvxgp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok t/zvxgp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok t/zvxgp_52dbm_complex.t ......... ok t/zvxgp_53sqlengine_adv.t ....... skipped: Modifying driver state won't compute running behind Gofer t/zvxgp_54_dbd_mem.t ............ skipped: modifying meta data doesn't work with Gofer-AutoProxy t/zvxgp_60preparse.t ............ skipped: preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_65transact.t ............ skipped: Transactions not supported by DBD::Gofer t/zvxgp_70callbacks.t ........... skipped: $h->{Callbacks} attribute not supported for DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_72childhandles.t ........ ok t/zvxgp_73cachedkids.t .......... ok t/zvxgp_80proxy.t ............... skipped: DBD::Proxy currently has a problem under DBI::PurePerl t/zvxgp_85gofer.t ............... ok t/zvxgp_86gofer_fail.t .......... skipped: requires Callbacks which are not supported with PurePerl t/zvxgp_87gofer_cache.t ......... skipped: Gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY t/zvxgp_90sql_type_cast.t ....... ok t/zvxgp_91_store_warning.t ...... ok t/zvxnp_48dbi_dbd_sqlengine.t ... ok t/zvxnp_49dbd_file.t ............ ok t/zvxnp_50dbm_simple.t .......... ok t/zvxnp_51dbm_file.t ............ ok t/zvxnp_52dbm_complex.t ......... skipped: DBI::SQL::Nano is being used t/zvxnp_85gofer.t ............... ok All tests successful. Files=202, Tests=12066, 203 wallclock secs ( 2.01 usr 0.74 sys + 135.86 cusr 50.12 csys = 188.73 CPU) Result: PASS PASS databases/p5-DBI Duration 3m36.91s