START devel/p5-Test-Compile 2024-04-25T11:11:31Z ===> p5-Test-Compile-3.0.1 depends on: p5-Test-Exception-* -> p5-Test-Exception-0.43p0 ===> p5-Test-Compile-3.0.1 depends on: p5-Test-Warnings-* -> p5-Test-Warnings-0.033 ===> Regression tests for p5-Test-Compile-3.0.1 t/000-compile.t ..................... ok t/100-internal--find-files.t ........ ok t/100-internal--is-in-taint-mode.t .. ok t/100-internal--read-shebang.t ...... ok t/100-internal--skip.t .............. skipped: Skipping this test should test skip_all() # The diag method should display this message t/100-internal--test-methods.t ...... ok t/100-internal-all-pl-files.t ....... ok t/100-internal-all-pm-files.t ....... ok t/100-internal-basic.t .............. ok t/100-internal-mess-with-lib.t ...... ok t/100-internal-pl-file-compiles.t ... ok t/100-internal-pm-file-compiles.t ... ok t/100-internal-verbose.t ............ ok t/200-all-files-ok.t ................ ok t/200-all-pl-files-ok.t ............. ok t/200-all-pm-files-ok.t ............. ok t/200-import-check.t ................ ok t/200-px-file-ok.t .................. ok t/200-taint.t ....................... ok t/999-has-version.t ................. skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-perlcritic.t .................. skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-pod-coverage.t ................ skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-pod.t ......................... skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-portability.t ................. skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-synopsis.t .................... skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test t/999-version.t ..................... skipped: Set AUTHOR_TEST to run this test All tests successful. Files=26, Tests=85, 15 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr 0.35 sys + 10.47 cusr 4.16 csys = 15.18 CPU) Result: PASS PASS devel/p5-Test-Compile Duration 0m20.18s