OpenBSD cvs log

created 2024-12-29T16:27:13Z
begin 2024-12-26T10:15:27Z
end 2024-12-26T10:24:57Z
path src/sys
commits 1

date 2024-12-26T10:24:57Z
author bluhm
files src/sys/kern/uipc_socket.c log diff annotate
src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c log diff annotate
src/sys/netinet6/in6_proto.c log diff annotate
message Run TCP output in parallel.

When called with shared netlock together with socket lock, tcp_output()
is MP safe. This is the lock for tcpcb. Mark TCP protocol with
PR_MPSOCKET. Also t_oobflags is protected this way, allowing
parallel pru_rcvoob().

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