OpenBSD cvs log

created 2024-05-18T15:58:55Z
begin 2024-05-12T00:00:00Z
end 2024-05-13T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 14

date 2024-05-12T08:21:56Z
author jsg
files src/sys/sys/tty.h log diff annotate
message ttybuf[] was removed in 2001, ttydefaults in 1988

date 2024-05-12T08:31:05Z
author jsg
files src/sys/net/pfvar.h log diff annotate
message sync_ifp and ticket_pabuf don't exist, remove externs

date 2024-05-12T08:42:13Z
author jsg
files src/sys/dev/ic/comvar.h log diff annotate
message comsiraddr was removed in 2016

date 2024-05-12T08:44:09Z
author jsg
files src/sys/dev/ic/rtwvar.h log diff annotate
message rtw_host_rfio was removed in 2007

date 2024-05-12T08:49:26Z
author jsg
files src/sys/dev/isa/i82365_isavar.h log diff annotate
message pcic_isa_intr_list and npcic_isa_intr_list were removed in 1999

date 2024-05-12T09:09:39Z
author jsg
files src/sys/nfs/nfs_vfsops.c log diff annotate
message nfs_procids was removed in 1996

date 2024-05-12T09:19:54Z
author jsg
files src/sys/ufs/ext2fs/ext2fs_vfsops.c log diff annotate
message remove ufs_hashlock extern for var we never had

date 2024-05-12T09:27:13Z
author jsg
files src/sys/uvm/uvm_swap_encrypt.h log diff annotate
message remove uvm_swprekeyprint extern for var we never had

date 2024-05-12T09:41:09Z
author jsg
files src/sys/uvm/uvm_page.h log diff annotate
message vm_page_zero_enable was removed in 2015

date 2024-05-12T12:20:36Z
author mglocker
files src/sys/dev/ic/ufshci.c log diff annotate
message Introduce debugging levels, to make debugging a bit more useful.

date 2024-05-12T16:49:38Z
author guenther
files src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/cpu.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/identcpu.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/locore0.S log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/amd64/include/cpu.h log diff annotate
message Delete the cpu_perf_e[abd]x and cpu_apmi_edx globals and move the
cpuid uses into identifycpu(), as they aren't needed anywhere else.

ok kettenis@

date 2024-05-12T16:51:05Z
author semarie
files src/sys/isofs/udf/udf_vnops.c log diff annotate
src/sys/kern/vfs_sync.c log diff annotate
src/sys/ntfs/ntfs_vnops.c log diff annotate
message vfs: struct vops: show all members, even if NULL

In order to help code maintenance, explicitly add all `struct vops` members with
the current value (if not present, it is NULL), still using the C99 notation.

ok miod@

date 2024-05-12T16:54:56Z
author semarie
files src/sys/tmpfs/tmpfs_fifoops.c log diff annotate
message vfs: reorder tmpfs_fifovops: isolate fifo_vops block

separate the local part from the fifo_vops part, and add a comment to keep in

ok miod@

date 2024-05-12T20:02:13Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/dev/fdt/rkpmic.c log diff annotate
message Add support for using the power button function of the RK809.
This initiates a graceful powerdown when the powerbutton is pressed
and makes it work as a wakeup from suspend.

ok patrick@