OpenBSD cvs log

created 2023-11-19T08:16:10Z
begin 2023-11-13T00:00:00Z
end 2023-11-14T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2023-11-13T12:49:41Z
author jsg
files src/sys/arch/arm64/conf/RAMDISK log diff annotate
message enable UDF on arm64 install media
ok deraadt@ kn@

date 2023-11-13T17:18:27Z
author bluhm
files src/sys/net/route.c log diff annotate
message Fix rt_setgate() error handling.

In revision 1.424 the logic in rt_setgate() has changed. The old
code entered a value into rt_gateway also if rt_setgwroute() returned
an error. Now if rt_setgwroute() fails, rt_gateway is NULL and
ROUNDUP(rt->rt_gateway->sa_len) crashes.

Put back the old logic in rt_setgate(). Setting rt_gateway and
rt_gwroute are actually independent.

If malloc(9) in rt_setgate() fails, rt_gateway can still be NULL.
The subsequent crash in free(rt->rt_gateway, M_RTABLE,
ROUNDUP(rt->rt_gateway->sa_len)) was just never observed. Add a
NULL check around these free(9).

Reported-by: [email protected]
OK mvs@

date 2023-11-13T19:15:01Z
author jasper
files src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/vmm_machdep.c log diff annotate
message include function name in warning printf in vmx_handle_np_fault() and svm_handle_np_fault() more clearer output

ok mlarkin@