OpenBSD cvs log

created 2023-07-08T18:27:42Z
begin 2023-07-03T00:00:00Z
end 2023-07-04T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 5

date 2023-07-03T06:45:44Z
author guenther
files src/sys/sys/malloc.h log diff annotate
message Bring malloc(9) and <sys/malloc.h> into sync for M_* entries, such
that the former's text comes from the latter's comments. Rationalize
capitalization, whitespace, and plural-vs-singular. Mark things for
for automation in the future.

Prompted by loss of sync from the addition of M_IFGROUP and M_PF
Previously worked up in discussion with schwarze@ and jmc@

ok deraadt@, miod@, jmc@

date 2023-07-03T07:40:52Z
author kn
files src/sys/dev/pv/if_vio.c log diff annotate
message typofix lladdr in function names; OK deraadt jan

date 2023-07-03T09:12:05Z
author jsg
files src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwx.c log diff annotate
message use semicolon not comma at eol
ok stsp@

date 2023-07-03T15:52:51Z
author kn
files src/sys/net/if_ethersubr.c log diff annotate
message use consistent queue(9) example for LIST removal; OK bluhm mvs

date 2023-07-03T15:54:07Z
author tobhe
files src/sys/arch/arm64/dev/apldc.c log diff annotate
message Enable for apldcms

ok bru@