OpenBSD cvs log

created 2023-05-22T09:39:21Z
begin 2023-05-20T00:00:00Z
end 2023-05-21T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 2

date 2023-05-20T12:02:46Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/dev/acpi/acpithinkpad.c log diff annotate
message Implement battery charge control.

ok patrick@

date 2023-05-20T12:48:36Z
author mpi
files src/sys/uvm/uvm_map.c log diff annotate
src/sys/uvm/uvm_map.h log diff annotate
message Do not grab the `vmmaplk' recursively, prevent a self-deadlock.

Change the semantic of vm_map_busy() to be able to completely unlock the
`vmmaplk' instead of downgrading it to a read lock in mlock(2). This is
necessary because uvm_fault_wire() tries to re-grab the same lock.

We now keep track of the thread currently holding the vmmap busy to ensure
it can relock & unbusy the vmmap. The new pattern becomes:

....vm_map_busy(map); /* prevent other threads to grab an exclusive lock */
.... * Do some stuff generally requiring a tsleep(9).
.... */
....vm_map_unbusy(map); /* allow other threads to make progress after unlock */

Fix adapted from NetBSD's r1.249 of uvm/uvm_map.c. Issue reported by
Jacqueline Jolicoeur exposed by a "wallet refresh" of the Monero App.
Panic hand-copied below:


This version skips bumping the map's timestamp if the lock is acquired by the
thread marked the VM map busy. This prevents a KASSERT() reported by bluhm@
triggered by regress/misc/posixtestsuite conformance/interfaces/mmap/18-1

ok kettenis@