OpenBSD cvs log

created 2022-11-16T19:12:37Z
begin 2022-11-11T11:45:10Z
end 2022-11-11T11:47:13Z
path src/sys
commits 2

date 2022-11-11T11:47:12Z
author dlg
files src/sys/net/pf.c log diff annotate
message rename pfsync_up() to pfsync_is_up()

foo_up() where foo is a network driver is usually a function that
configures and brings an interface up into a running state. this
small tweak just makes the code a bit easier for me to read.

date 2022-11-11T11:47:13Z
author dlg
files src/sys/net/if_pfsync.c log diff annotate
src/sys/net/if_pfsync.h log diff annotate
message rename pfsync_up() to pfsync_is_up()

foo_up() where foo is a network driver is usually a function that
configures and brings an interface up into a running state. this
small tweak just makes the code a bit easier for me to read.