OpenBSD cvs log

created 2022-11-27T15:51:12Z
begin 2022-11-09T16:23:51Z
end 2022-11-09T17:12:50Z
path src/sys
commits 1

date 2022-11-09T17:12:50Z
author cheloha
files src/sys/kern/kern_timeout.c log diff annotate
src/sys/sys/timeout.h log diff annotate
message timeout(9): remove TIMEOUT_KCLOCK flag

I never should have added the TIMEOUT_KCLOCK flag. It is redundant
and only serves to complicate the timeout(9) logic. In every place
where we check for the flag we can just use timeout.to_kclock.

So, remove the flag from <sys/timeout.h> and rewrite all affected
logic to use the value of timeout.to_kclock instead.

ok kn@