OpenBSD cvs log

created 2022-05-03T07:00:39Z
begin 2022-04-30T17:58:43Z
end 2022-04-30T21:13:57Z
path src/sys
commits 1

date 2022-04-30T21:13:57Z
author bluhm
files src/sys/net/if.c log diff annotate
src/sys/net/ifq.c log diff annotate
message Run IP input and forwarding with shared netlock. Also distribute
packets from the interface receive rings into multiple net task
Note that we still have only one softnet task. So there will be
no concurrency yet, but we can notice wrong exclusive lock assertions.
Soon the final step will be to increase the NET_TASKQ define.
lots of testing Hrvoje Popovski; OK sashan@