OpenBSD cvs log

created 2022-02-01T18:52:48Z
begin 2022-01-13T00:00:00Z
end 2022-01-14T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2022-01-13T08:59:10Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/arch/arm64/dev/apldog.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/arm64/dev/aplpmu.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/arm64/dev/aplsmc.c log diff annotate
message Implement powerdown. This involves writing a magic bit somewhere in the
address space of the SPMI PMU to prevent the machine from immediately
starting up again.

The implementaton makes aplpmu(4) provide powerdownfn(), which sets the
magic bit and then chains into cpuresetfn(). It also makes aplsmc(4)
provide cpuresetfn() to reset the machine via the SMC. Resetting via
the watchdog works as well (and will powerdown the machine if the magic
bit is set) but letting the SMC handle things might do some other
required steps.

ok patrick@

date 2022-01-13T14:12:02Z
author visa
files src/sys/net/bpf.c log diff annotate
message Return an error if bpfilter_lookup() fails in bpfkqfilter()

The lookup should not fail because the kernel lock should prevent
simultaneous detaching on the vnode layer. However, most other device
kqfilter routines check the lookup's outcome anyway, which is maybe
a bit more forgiving.

OK mpi@

date 2022-01-13T14:15:27Z
author visa
files src/sys/net/bpf.c log diff annotate
message Make bpf event filter MP-safe

Use bd_mtx to serialize bpf knote handling. This allows calling the
event filter without the kernel lock.

OK mpi@