OpenBSD cvs log

created 2022-01-10T12:54:17Z
begin 2022-01-04T18:13:31Z
end 2022-01-04T20:41:44Z
path src/sys
commits 2

date 2022-01-04T20:41:42Z
author deraadt
files src/sys/arch/alpha/include/bus.h log diff annotate
message hide more things behind _KERNEL, in case userland manages to include
this file

date 2022-01-04T20:41:44Z
author deraadt
files src/sys/arch/landisk/include/bus.h log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/sparc64/include/bus.h log diff annotate
message hide more things behind _KERNEL, in case userland manages to include
this file