OpenBSD cvs log

created 2021-08-02T08:33:52Z
begin 2021-07-29T11:58:35Z
end 2021-07-29T12:01:45Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2021-07-29T12:00:30Z
author stsp
files src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwx.c log diff annotate
src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwxreg.h log diff annotate
message Support the new iwx(4) firmware TLC_MNG_CONFIG command.

This command was expanded by a 4 byte max_tx_op field. As far as I can tell
the Linux driver makes no use of this field, so just initialize it to zero.
New firmware panics when we try to initialize Tx rate scaling otherwise.

ok kevlo@

date 2021-07-29T12:01:04Z
author stsp
files src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwx.c log diff annotate
src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwxvar.h log diff annotate
message Get Tx queues working with new iwx(4) firmware.

ADD_STA command version >= 12 implies that firmware uses an internal AUX
station for scanning. We do not configure an AUX Tx queue in this case
and data queue indices assigned by firmware shift upwards accordingly.

ok kevlo@

date 2021-07-29T12:01:45Z
author stsp
files src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwx.c log diff annotate
src/sys/dev/pci/if_iwxreg.h log diff annotate
message Implement support for the BAR_FRAME_RELEASE iwx(4) firmware notification.

New firmware will generate this notification when a block ack request is
received. Older firmware passed the block ack request frame to the driver.

ok kevlo@