OpenBSD cvs log

created 2021-01-21T21:13:26Z
begin 2021-01-13T01:57:31Z
end 2021-01-13T09:13:30Z
path src/sys
commits 1

date 2021-01-13T09:13:30Z
author mvs
files src/sys/net/if_pflog.c log diff annotate
src/sys/net/if_pflog.h log diff annotate
message Link pflog(4) instances to `pflog_ifs' list instead of allocating
`pflogifs' array. This was done to prevent panics caused by internal
malloc(9) limit.

Also we avoid the case while single pflog(4) interface with a high index
allocates an array for all indices below and eats up kernel memory.
Since we have a very little count of pflog(4) interfaces linear search
does not performance impact.

ok bluhm@ claudio@ kn@