OpenBSD cvs log

created 2020-12-03T21:16:13Z
begin 2020-10-07T16:17:25Z
end 2020-10-07T17:53:44Z
path src/sys
commits 1

date 2020-10-07T17:53:44Z
author cheloha
files src/sys/kern/kern_time.c log diff annotate
message sys_getitimer(), sys_setitimer(): style(9), misc. cleanup

- Consolidate variable declarations.
- Remove superfluous parentheses from return statements.
- Prefer sizeof(variable) to sizeof(type) for copyin(9)/copyout(9).
- Remove some intermediate pointers from sys_setitimer(). Using SCARG()
directly here makes it more obvious to the reader what you're copying.