OpenBSD cvs log

created 2018-11-30T03:30:38Z
begin 2018-09-01T00:00:00Z
end 2018-09-02T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 5

date 2018-09-01T06:09:26Z
author landry
files src/sys/kern/tty_nmea.c log diff annotate
message Recognize more talker IDs when parsing NMEA RMC messages

The NMEA 0183 standard says that the first two chars correspond to the
'source' of the message, right now we were only looking for 'GP' prefix
for 'GPS', but this can also be 'GL' for Glonass, 'BD' for BeiDou, 'GA'
for Galileo, or 'GN' for a generic GNSS source.

Match the RMC messages from all those variants, with this i'm able to
use my navilock nl-8002u (which uses GNRMC) as a timedelta sensor for
ntpd, and i have my GPS position in the nmea(4) sensors.

ok deraadt@

date 2018-09-01T08:20:56Z
author stsp
files src/sys/net80211/ieee80211_ioctl.c log diff annotate
src/sys/net80211/ieee80211_node.c log diff annotate
src/sys/net80211/ieee80211_var.h log diff annotate
message Make 'ifconfig nwid' override 'ifconfig join'.

There was no way to override a decision made by join's network
selection algorithm (apart from disabling the feature by clearing
the join list). Automatic selection is based on heuristics which
cannot always guess correctly so we need to provide an override.

One specific problem was that if 'nwid foo' and 'nwid bar' were
both visible in the scan and only 'nwid foo' was a member of the
join list, then there was no way at all to connect to 'nwid bar'.
The wireless stack would keep selecting 'nwid foo' instead.

'ifconfig iwm0 nwid bar' command will now disable automatic
network selection and force the use of ESSID 'bar'.
Any of these commands will re-enable automatic network selection:
ifconfig iwm0 -nwid
ifconfig iwm0 nwid ''
ifconfig iwm0 join some-network-id

ok phessler@ deraadt@

date 2018-09-01T17:02:12Z
author deraadt
files src/sys/kern/vfs_syscalls.c log diff annotate
message Fix errno for post-lock unveil calls
from Jan Klemkow

date 2018-09-01T20:48:00Z
author jcs
files src/sys/dev/hid/hidms.c log diff annotate
message For touchscreen devices, use the first HUG_X/Y usage pages found
when looking for logical min/max of screen.

ok kettenis

date 2018-09-01T20:50:16Z
author jcs
files src/sys/dev/i2c/ims.c log diff annotate
message Match on interfaces with Digitizers/Touchscreen collections, as long
as they have an X usage.

Should get basic touchscreen functionality on some common
HID-over-i2c devices like laptops.