OpenBSD cvs log

created 2018-11-30T01:07:29Z
begin 2018-08-04T00:00:00Z
end 2018-08-05T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2018-08-04T11:55:40Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/arch/arm64/arm64/cpu.c log diff annotate
message The operating-points-v2 binding allows opp-microvolt to be a single cell
or three cells. Handle both cases, but ignore the minimum and maximum
values if they are provided in the case where we have three cells.

ok patrick@

date 2018-08-04T16:42:46Z
author jsg
files src/sys/dev/usb/if_mue.c log diff annotate
message avoid using a value uninitialised
ok kevlo@

date 2018-08-04T20:23:49Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/dev/fdt/rkclock.c log diff annotate
src/sys/dev/fdt/rkclock_clocks.h log diff annotate
message Implement a few missing RK3288 clocks and implement resets.