OpenBSD cvs log

created 2018-11-30T00:27:36Z
begin 2018-07-29T00:00:00Z
end 2018-07-30T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2018-07-29T22:53:39Z
author beck
files src/sys/kern/kern_unveil.c log diff annotate
message Make sure we don't count looking at .. as a component
as a descending match.
Noticed by Stuart Cassoff <[email protected]>

date 2018-07-29T23:11:02Z
author beck
files src/sys/kern/kern_unveil.c log diff annotate
message Don't exceed UNVEIL_MAX_VNODES with a long path now that we save
the traversed vnodes - noticed and fixed by semarie@

date 2018-07-29T23:53:04Z
author beck
files src/sys/kern/kern_unveil.c log diff annotate
message revert accidentally changed prototype