OpenBSD cvs log

created 2019-05-08T03:42:14Z
begin 2017-12-06T00:00:00Z
end 2017-12-07T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 2

date 2017-12-06T16:20:53Z
author kettenis
files src/sys/arch/sparc64/dev/vbus.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/sparc64/dev/vpci.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/sparc64/include/hypervisor.h log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/sparc64/sparc64/autoconf.c log diff annotate
src/sys/arch/sparc64/sparc64/intr.c log diff annotate
message Implement support for using interrupt cookies in vbus(4) and vpci(4) as
introduced in version 3.0 of the Interrupt APIs group. This makes it possible
boot OpenBSD on SPARC T7/M7 hardware (although there still may be issues with
the onboard mpii(4) controller).

date 2017-12-06T16:26:12Z
author fcambus
files src/sys/arch/amd64/include/specialreg.h log diff annotate
message Update inaccurate comment: i386_has_xcrypt => amd64_has_xcrypt.