OpenBSD cvs log

created 2019-05-04T02:07:48Z
begin 2017-10-07T00:00:00Z
end 2017-10-08T00:00:00Z
path src/sys
commits 3

date 2017-10-07T06:04:00Z
author deraadt
files src/sys/kern/kern_pledge.c log diff annotate
message permit SYS___set_tcb, upcoming code will require this

date 2017-10-07T06:06:26Z
author deraadt
files src/sys/kern/kern_pledge.c log diff annotate
message In "tty", permitting TIOCSTART is fine

date 2017-10-07T19:54:49Z
author guenther
files src/sys/lib/libsa/stand.h log diff annotate
message bcopy() is expected to be overlap safe, so it implement it with memmove()
not memcpy().

'oh oh' deraadt@