memory: Kbytes allocated to network: -192 mbuf cluster in use: mbuf 2112 byte clusters in use: 3342 mbuf in use: 3429 mbuf types: mbuf allocated to data: 3342 mbuf allocated to packet headers: 87 ip: output datagrams software-checksummed: 91 packets for this host: 135 packets sent from this host: 91 routes cache hit: 93 routes cache miss: 136 total packets received: 135 ip6: Input packets histogram: ICMP6: 1 IP6: 3255187 TCP: 3255186 multicast packets which we don't join: 1 packets for this host: 9765560 packets sent from this host: 2241435 routes cache hit: 1710034 routes cache miss: 3786988 total packets received: 6510374 tcp: PCB cache misses: 200 SACK options sent: 91143 SYNs cache entries added: completed: 100 total: 100 connections accepts: 100 connections closed: 13 connections established (including accepts): 101 connections requests: 1 correct data packets header predictions: 3163083 packets received: acks: 126 acks for bytes: 4862 completely duplicates packets: 902 completely duplicates packets bytes: 1213104 duplicates acks: 899 out-of-order packets: 91098 out-of-order packets bytes: 126356724 packets received in-sequence: 3163100 packets received in-sequence bytes: 4388003412 total: 3255321 packets sent: acks-only packets: 1664844 acks-only packets delayed: 1590338 control packets: 14 data packets: 14 data packets bytes: 4749 packets software-checksummed: 1709934 total: 1710025 window update packets: 45153 segments updated rtt: 127 segments updated rtt of attempts: 25 uses of current SYNs cache left: -100