memory: Kbytes allocated to network: 32480 mbuf cluster in use: mbuf 2112 byte clusters in use: 69 mbuf 65536 byte clusters in use: 185 mbuf in use: 3949 mbuf types: mbuf allocated to data: 2071 mbuf allocated to packet headers: 1878 ip: packets for this host: 514671 packets sent from this host: 385766 routes cache hit: 385966 routes cache miss: 100 total packets received: 514678 tcp: ECN connections acceptsed: CWR packets sent: cwr by fastrecovery: 217 cwr by timeout: 37 SACK options received: 27117 SACK recovery episodes: bytes rexmits in SACK recovery episodes: 29921472 segments rexmits in SACK recovery episodes: 20664 total: 217 connections established (including accepts): 100 connections requests: 100 correct ACKs header predictions: 28031 packets received: acks: 504173 acks for bytes: 3159558108 completely duplicates packets: 56 duplicates acks: 9664 old duplicates packets: 56 total: 514702 window update packets: 661 packets sent: acks-only packets: 100 control packets: 138 data packets: 385404 data packets bytes: 3196553884 data packets retransmitted: 186 data packets retransmitted bytes: 839840 output TSO packets generated: 2166256 output TSO packets hardware processed: 355475 total: 385828 retransmit timeouts: total: 37 segments updated rtt: 504273 segments updated rtt of attempts: 350979